Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Featured Artist - UR New York

In our continuing efforts to redirect the creative energy of graffiti into mainstream aerosol art, the Cambridge Arts Festival has teamed up with UR New York—a world renowned artist collective with the same goal.

Artists in the collective give their work an urban industrial feel by combining mediums such as photography, silk-screening, graphic design, and graffiti. Each piece tells the story of their life, struggles, and environment.

Two artists from the collective, Fernando Romero (aka ski), and Mike Bacca (aka 2esae), will be joining us at the Festival to create a piece live in our Aerosol Art area.  Stay tuned to this blog to find out how to win a one-on-one art lesson with Fernando.

To commemorate the occasion, avone, a New York aerosol artist from the "Destroy and Rebuild" group (who isn't able to be here in person) has created a piece combining the New York sky line with the Cambridge sky line. Sorry, this piece has already been sold.

Many thanks to Spun (of Spun Turtle Productions), Ean Kools, Fernando Romero, and Mandy Richardson for making this partnership possible.

For more information about UR New York, or to preview more of their work, see their website URNewYork.com

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